22 May, 2007

Planning for this Essay II

For those anxiously anticipated my 2nd post in the past week I sincerely apologize for causing your disappointment. It's almost 11pm at Bailieu Library three days before the due date and I'm still working on this project. After several days of very intensive research (yes I did get my hands on Henry Jenkins' book) I realized how broad the subject I have engaged with and how difficult it is to follow my original plan (i.e. posting daily) because it's simply impossible to come up with a comprehensive essay in this manner. Nonetheless all difficulties added to the fun and I'd like to show you a few topics I have decided to include in this essay so far (subject for future amendment):

- Introduction
- Gendered Fans
- Corporate ownership VS Value added by fan community
- Narrative Structure and Storytelling
- Conclusion: What's Happening Outside the Fan Community

You will have to wait a bit longer to read more details, but I promise you this won't be too long because the due date is only three days away!

In the meantime, check out a few interesting articles on David Bordwell, Jason Mittell, Paul Marino and Henry Jenkins' blogs (you can find their links on the sidebar). This might give you some clue of what I'll be writing in this essay.

Now my time to go home!

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